Operation: FINALLY HOME Helping Veterans Nationwide
Here at Urban Companies, we are passionate about two things: exceptional work and helping people. We announced a while back that we are partnering with Operation: FINALLY HOME, a Texas-based nonprofit that provides custom-built, mortgage-free homes to military veterans and widows by partnering with businesses such as Urban Companies. As a part of our partnership with Operation: FINALLY HOME, we have committed to building two homes for wounded veterans and their families. In December of last year, we announced the first recipient of a home: Lance Cpl. Ceontre Shelton of the United States Marine Corps. His house is currently under construction, and we will update our website with pictures to show every step of the process. In the meantime, it seems that Operation: FINALLY HOME is staying busy helping veterans all over the United States. They just announced another recipient of a home in Tennessee – U.S. Army Spc. Brad Wilson and his wife and three young children. Urban Companies can’t say enough how excited we are about partnering with this fantastic organization. We look forward to helping change the lives of two families, and helping shine some light on Operation: FINALLY HOME. To stay up-to-date on the progress of our first home with this organization, please click here.
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